Art Cadets Challenge 2023

The Plastic Predicament

It’s no secret that our world faces unprecedented challenges that our kids will be at the epicenter of as adults. To lead positive impact and be the change-makers their world will require, they need to develop capacity and practice key capabilities now, so they can successfully tackle tough issues facing humanity.

Your learner is invited to propose solutions, inventions and ideas for the chance to win prizes as they unite with a mission to spur meaningful change that will impact others for good! We hope your learner will join us as we celebrate how imagination combined with skill can bring to life meaningful solutions that have power to improve the lives of others around the world.

Are you an Artist?  An Inventor?  Do you like to CREATE?  Art Cadets and Upschool want your ideas in our Design Challenge!

The Problem

Many people use plastics for a variety of different things - from toys to packaging, plastic has become a large part of our lives - but a lot of that plastic finds its way into landfills and our oceans. 

It is estimated that 11 MILLION METRIC TONS of plastic end up in our oceans EVERY YEAR, a dump truck load of plastic every MINUTE.  It takes over 20 years for a plastic bag to decompose - for plastic bottles, it can be more than 450 years

We know we can do better - and we need your help!

The Solution

The passionate team at Art Cadets are inspired to bring kids everywhere the opportunity to be a creator for the social good, and use design as a catalyst for transformative innovation. Art Cadets provides emboldened learning experiences that expose kids to real-world challenges, teaches them to cultivate critical thinking skills, fearlessly innovate with an unlimited mindset, and practice servant leadership in their daily lives. Unleashing creative superpowers in every student through problem-solving, competition, and collaboration, this challenge welcomes young pioneers who will lead the future forward.

The Cause

Once submitted, final artwork and designs will be auctioned off to be sold. All proceeds made from the art sales will be donated towards funding a library in partnership with our friends at Upschool. When the funds are fully raised, Upschool will engage its construction partners in the region in need and a library will be built. Books are then donated and shipped in from all over the world to the region and the library is delivered to the community – full of books. 

How to enter:

Devise a new way to collect and dispose of the massive amounts of plastic that are in our oceans 

Create your design using Magma’s collaborative workspace, or use any art materials available to you

Join one of 3 FREE live Share Sessions where you can show your work in progress, get advice from Master Artists and other contestants about your work, and gain valuable feedback to make your pieces even better

Submit your final design to be sold at auction, proceeds going to support building a library for a learning community in need