Design a new invention to plant trees and protect their growth


The year is 2090, and the beautiful forest of Kalon on the planet of Diomedes is facing a catastrophe.  Much of the forest was developed for people to use - and very little of the Kalon forest that provides much-needed oxygen and habitats for native species to Diomedes is left! 

Scientists on Diomedes warn that without more Kalon trees, the environment will be damaged beyond repair in just a few years. 

The people of Diomedes have begun planting new trees, but the saplings are unprotected and the process is moving too slowly to reverse the harm done.

The people of Diomedes have called on a small force of creative problem solvers, the Art Cadets,

to help them pull their planet from disaster. 

Through collaboration and teamwork, the Art Cadets will design a machine to help replant the native Kalon trees and regrow the forests so that both the people and species native to Diomedes can survive!  

You are an Art Cadet -

armed only with your creativity and whatever supplies you have,

you can solve the problem. 

You will create a machine that can regrow and plant the Kalon forests

to help save all of Diomedes!


Will you give new life and vitality back to something - to REVITALIZE it? 

The health of the forests of Diomedes depends on you!

Mission Revitalize is a go!