Engineer a unique design to bring food to those in need

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”

-Pablo Picasso


The town of Harveston has been experiencing a year-long drought - they haven’t had rain in over 12 months! The farmers of Harveston’s crops have been failing, leaving them with little food for the people of the town.  The closest settlement, Laketown, has more food than they need, but a large ravine separates the two communities.  The people of Laketown want to donate their used food from their stores to the people of Harveston.

The leaders of Laketown and Harveston have asked YOU to design a way to get the food from the shelves to Harveston before it completely spoils. They are asking YOU, the designer - to make a way of getting the food there safely and quickly to the people who need it most!


First, you need to create a few ideas for the leaders - both cities want you to consider two very special ideas that will help get the food to Harveston - TRANSPORT and DISTRIBUTION. First, make a list of at least 6 different ways to move the food from one side of the ravine to the other - TRANSPORTING it from Lakeview to Harveston safely (blimp, airplane, cable car, drones, etc.) - these ideas will be used in your designs.

Next, make a different list of at least 6 different ways the food can be DISTRIBUTED to the people of Harveston - how will the hungry people get the donated food? (mail, drivers, tubes, etc.) You’ll use these ideas in your final designs.